[2024/05/24] WEEKLY AIGC NEWS
This is a blog to explain the classical linear programming method named Simplex Method from the question to the inference. Actually, this report is my final group project in the course Advanced Topics in Applied Mathematics advised by Prof . Xiaopin Lu. Our group had finished the topic Optimization Algorithm with sub-topics as following figure.
This is a blog to explain the classical linear programming method named Simplex Method from the question to the inference. Actually, this report is my final group project in the course Advanced Topics in Applied Mathematics advised by Prof . Xiaopin Lu. Our group had finished the topic Optimization Algorithm with sub-topics as following figure.
This is a collection of papers on the topic of Synthetic Image Detection. I’ll occasionally update the latest paper from academic websites (most of them from ArXive). For convenience, I’ll give a brief introduction about each paper through fast reading. If you want to get the detail, please make a further step to it.
总结: 调研了目前可尝试的一些水印去除方案,主要分为专属水印去除模型和基于扩散模型inpainting的水印去除。前者主要集中在水印的检测、提取和图像复原的pipeline上面,后者主要集中在图像的条件生成上(图生图),即不关心水印提取,只关心水印的定位和能否较好的重绘mask(水印)区域。从调研结果来看,目前开源和复现的专门用于水印去除的模型主要还是以22年以前的模型为主,近一两年的专属模型提出较少。而基于扩散模型Inpainting的生成式方法提出较多,但其需要手动选定水印区域或结合水印检测定位模块组合使用。且各自模型在水印去除的场景下,效果和速度不一。
This is a collection of papers on the topic of Synthetic Image Detection. I’ll occasionally update the latest paper from academic websites (most of them from ArXive). For convenience, I’ll give a brief introduction about each paper through fast reading. If you want to get the detail, please make a further step to it.
This is a collection of papers on the topic of Synthetic Image Detection. I’ll occasionally update the latest paper from academic websites (most of them from ArXive). For convenience, I’ll give a brief introduction about each paper through fast reading. If you want to get the detail, please make a further step to it.
总结: 调研了目前可尝试的一些水印去除方案,主要分为专属水印去除模型和基于扩散模型inpainting的水印去除。前者主要集中在水印的检测、提取和图像复原的pipeline上面,后者主要集中在图像的条件生成上(图生图),即不关心水印提取,只关心水印的定位和能否较好的重绘mask(水印)区域。从调研结果来看,目前开源和复现的专门用于水印去除的模型主要还是以22年以前的模型为主,近一两年的专属模型提出较少。而基于扩散模型Inpainting的生成式方法提出较多,但其需要手动选定水印区域或结合水印检测定位模块组合使用。且各自模型在水印去除的场景下,效果和速度不一。